For the Menyons out there.
Born on Betrayal will be released in less than 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS.
Can you believe it, I have been waiting for this FOREVER.
Here is a sneak peak.
It was all-out war.
Commander Galene Batur stared at the report of The League attack on an
Andarion outpost where almost two hundred civilians had been mercilessly
And for what?
Human vanity? How she hated
their inferior species. Humans had never brought her anything but utter
misery. Now they had brought her a whole new bloody war that would cost
the lives of countless Andarions. Cost her the lives of her loyal
soldiers who would be forced to protect their repugnant species.
How she wished she could bomb the entire human race into oblivion.
looked over her shoulder at her lieutenant commander’s call. Dressed in
the standard red and black Andarion command uniform, Talyn wasn’t just
her second-in-command and adjutant, he was the only male she’d ever
trust at her back.
At twenty-nine, he stood head and shoulders
above her, and most everyone else. Muscular and unbelievably handsome,
he wore his long black hair in typical Andarion warrior fashion— tiny
braids that were held away from his face by a red band. Her only
complaint with him was the well-trimmed moustache and goatee he’d
started wearing lately. It was a current fashion trend she didn’t care
for. At all. But he thought it made him look more masculine and sexy.
As if he needed help in either of those departments.
his presence caused her heart to soften. It took everything she had not
to reach out and cup his beloved cheek. But he wouldn’t approve of such
open affection before the rest of their troops.
Her Talyn was always prim and proper. Always circumspect.
Talyn saluted her. “I have an urgent message for you from the royal house.”
Galene forced herself not to wince. It must be the queen wanting information about the attack she had yet to gather.
that she didn’t have more reports to offer, she headed for the secured
line. She placed the link in her ear before she opened the channel.
of Tadara Cairistiona eton Anatole, it was Tahrs Nykyrian who showed on
her monitor. Unlike his fraternal twin brother who’d been removed from
succession, Nykyrian appeared human with his white blond hair and green
eyes. The only part of him that betrayed his Andarion roots was his set
of fangs . . . along with his height and military prowess. While she
might not appreciate his human half, she definitely respected his
exemplary war record and battle skills.
She gave him a curt bow. “Your Highness, to what do I owe this honor?”
know you’re busy, Commander, and I hate to take your attention away
from our troops for even a second, but I have serious business to
discuss with you. The Alliance has decided that we need a single
military leader we can trust to oversee our joint forces and armies as
we fight against The League. Your name was the first one to come to our
minds, and we are all in agreement. We’d like to offer the position to
Stunned, she stared at him, amazed by the offer. “I’m honored, Highness.”
“If you need time to think it over. . . .”
he serious? Who in their right mind would turn this down? This was a
dream appointment anyone would kill to possess. A once in a lifetime
Galene would command the single, largest military movement in the entire history of their United System of Planets.
Highness. I would love to lead Alliance forces. I only have one
concern. I know that part of our forces are Phrixian and Caronese.”
Misogynistic troops and armies that would balk heavily at taking orders
from a female commander.
“You’ll be assigned a male adjutant for
handling them . . . a well-respected Tavali commander. Likewise, you’ll
be responsible for dealing with the Qillaq directly since they won’t
take orders from a male.”
That was certainly true.
It was
rare for any army to be as integrated with both sexes as the Andarions
were. Male or female didn’t matter. Only competence and lethal skill
“When would like for me to start?” she asked.
The Tavali are on their way to you, right now. With a transport and
your new adjutant. The two of you will be flown to their the
northernmost base, where The League has been making their heaviest
strikes. All we’ll need is for you to name your successor for the
Andarion armada, until the war is over.”
Galene gestured to Talyn. “We will see it done.”
Nykyrian inclined his head to her. “Welcome aboard, Commander. May the gods smile upon you. Always.”
“Thank you, Your Highness. I promise, I will do you, your mother, and Andaria proud.”
“I know you will.” He cut the transmission.
Galene stared at the blank screen as she considered this latest twist of fate.
She, the daughter her parents had callously thrown out from their house
when she was just a girl, was going to lead their combined forces in
the war against The League. If they won, she’d be eternally famous.
If they lost, she’d be executed for treason.
hell of a gamble. But then, as the Andarion armada prime commander
she’d die if they lost, anyway. At least as their military leader, it
would all be in her hands, and if they failed, she alone, would be to be
Thrilled and a little scared, she turned toward Talyn.
His beautiful white eyes glowed with loving pride. “Congratulations, Commander.”
She smiled at him. “I shall name you the new prime commander of the armada.”
He shook his head. “I will go with you to The Tavali.”
“No . . . you belong here.”
“I belong at your back, Commander. Protecting you. Always.”
he stressed the word, making her realize that she’d dropped their
strict military behavior first by using his given name. “I will not stay
here while you interact with others who could betray you. You will need
a support staff you know is loyal to you and above reproach. Now more
than ever. If you think for one moment that I will stay behind while you
risk your life for all of us, you don’t know me at all.” His gaze
burned into hers. “You go. I go.”
She wanted to beat him. But how could she? “You are ever my pride.”
“And you are ever my cherished mother.”
Smiling, she pulled his head down so that she could press her cheek to his. “I love you, mi tana.”
“I love you, too.”
She fisted her hand in his hair. “I should order you to stay.”
“Only if you wish to see me court-martialed.”
tugged at his hair. “Don’t tempt me, scamp.” Releasing him, she stepped
away with a frown. “Call Commander Ilkin. We can promote him.”
“Yes, ma’am. And I’ll personally assemble an Andarion security detail for you.”
rolled her eyes at his paranoia– as if she couldn’t protect herself.
She would argue that with him, too, but he was far more stubborn than
she was when it came to such things. Years of fighting his steel will
had taught her that.
“See it down quickly.”
He saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”
heart swelling with love and pride, Galene watched him leave to carry
out his orders. In all the universe, he was the only family she had. The
only family she needed.
You should have been a surgeon, Talyn. It
was what she’d drilled into him from the cradle. But her ever defiant
boy had refused, and followed her into the military as soon as he
graduated primary school.
Evil little booger. Stubborn and head-strong . . .
Just like his father.
No one could ever tell him what to do. The gods knew she had tried. Many times.
he would follow her into war. It was the last thing she’d ever wanted
for him. But there was no way to keep him out of it. The time had come
for all of them to choose a side.
At least this way I can keep an eye on him.
And she would tear apart anyone who threatened her baby.
Galene took a moment to look around the Andarion command center that
had been her home since Cairistiona had overthrown her mother and
assumed the throne. Talyn had been here, at her side, almost the entire
time she’d led their armada. It would be weird to adjust to a new army. A
new way of doing things.
But she was nothing if not adaptable.
Okay, not really. She hated change passionately. But she liked to lie to herself about her inflexible flexibility.
a whole new chapter was about to begin for both her and Talyn. She
didn’t know what it would hold, but she couldn’t wait to see where it
led her.
Good wind blows to all ill things.
A chill went down her spine as she remembered her father’s old saying. She only prayed that this time, he was wrong.